Daft Punk helps you have some fun

Everyone needs a creative outlet to help them escape from the repetitive nature of their day to day, and Daft Punk is providing you with that outlet. Drop your own samples (provided by najle.com) over preloaded tracks, and create your own live mixes. Unfortunately, due to copyright infringements and publishing licenses, you won't be able to record it, but pop on some headphones and create your own real time mix. Beat matching is the key here, but the tracks should be pretty familiar, making it easy to jump right in and have some fun.

The National - Fake Empire

Nothing witty to say here, the video speaks for itself...

I want to hate this song... but I can't (part deux)

(small editing issue last time)

Being the cute little emo kid that he is, there's a little chameo from his girlfriend at the end, with the subtitle "This song was written for her". I bet she appreciates is more than "Delilah"...

Justice - Stress

What I learned today courtesy of the internet....

The monstrosity of a sandwich you see above is none other than the McGangBang.  In order to create this masterpiece, you need to roll over to your local McDonalds, and order up a double cheeseburger and spicy chicken sandwich.  Open up your double cheeseburger, and slap the spicy chicken in the middle, and blamo, you've made yourself a McGangBang.  Your friends and family will marvel in your culinary masterpiece.

While this has picked up a bit of a cult following, I don't think we'll be seeing this on the menu anytime soon....

You've got to admit, the kid has skills...

In Case of Fire - Enemies

Well, he was, and still is, kind of a big deal as well...

One of the most influential musicians of all time

Hulu coming to an iPhone near you...

Hulu planning iPhone app

3OH!3 - Don't Trust Me

Tweetie is coming to MAC on Monday

Oh boy, another new toy coming to MAC on Monday, and it's all about Twitter.  That's right, a new "Tweet Deck" is coming, and if you like style, sleek interface and new toys to play with, time to get your hands on Tweetie.  Not sure if Oprah's talking about it today, but I'm sure it's only a matter of time....

Speaking of Oprah, as of 12:00 day, she's already got 85,000+ followers.  Clearly she has more friends than I do....

Raise your hand if this story shocks you...

According to SI.com, Vick is shopping a reality series.  The plot: follow Vick around after he gets released from prison.  Not surprising, they're reporting a handful of producers are fighting over the rights to this, and it's only a matter of time until a deal is done.  This has FOX written all over it.  Congrats Vick, you've found a new way to pay off the millions you owe to creditors.  

Suggested content?  I'm going the easy route:  there will be an episode involving a trip to the Oakland Raiders.

The Wall Street Journal on your iPhone

Another sign of the times: The WSJ is coming to an iPhone near you, with their own application now available on the iTunes store.  One solid feature on here is you can save content for later, so when you're on the plane and want to know if you'll have a job when you land, that story you saved about your companies quarterly figures will be waiting for you to checkout at 30,000 feet.  You can also access other WSJ sites like Barron's and WSJ Audio to name a couple.  

Let's face it people, the day of the newspaper is over, so if you're a big fan of reading the Sunday Times, start getting into reading it online or on a Kindle.

Bob Lange

Bob was more than just a friend of the family.  Bob was the guy that went out with my dad and I on the day my sister was born, the guy that had us all over at his house to watch Union College play in the Division III football championship which would be the only time they were ever televised.  He was a tall guy, always in good shape, and great friend to my father.  I know that my dad wishes now that they could have spent more time together, but he'll always have the great memories of the times they spent together.

Bob passed on Sunday of a sudden heart attack while he was out for a jog.  Click the link below for a great story from ABC about his life as a producer, and as a proud father of three children and a loving husband to his wife Lisa.  He will be missed.

The Gallows - The Vulture

Yeah, I've posted a lot of music today.  Pretty sure most won't appreciate this, but The Gallows are out to save rock and roll.

Ditch the slow uploads to Box.net

This won't win the Sexiest Device of the Year award, but if you're sick of waiting on slow upload speeds (or even slower downloads) with online file sharing services, this is definitely worth the $100 investment.  Pogoplug allows you to instantly and securely share files, video, and photos from your PC or MAC.  Need someone to hear a quick mix of a track, send them a link and they can even hit in on the run through their iPhone.  

Easy plug in, easy interface (at least on MAC) and well worth the investment.

If you're in NYC, get down to S'Nice for Abztract!

If you're reading this from NYC, make sure you get down to S'Nice this month to check out the Abztract gallery that's currently on display.

45 8th Ave (@ W 4th Street)

If you're on Twitter, make sure to follow them for updates on guest artists and new deck designs (@abztract).

Ian Axel - Afterglow

Emerging artist from NYC, and someone I consider a good friend. Long intro, but worth the wait....

Check him out on iTunes!

Jukebox The Ghost - Good Day

Happy Monday folks. Live versions of this on Youtube as well.

So many tweets, so little time...

We all know that TweetDeck is the most effective way to streamline how you read all your Tweets, but if you really want to take it to the next level, checkout this link to track trends.  Everyone can go on there and post a "Facebook" style comment on the awesome soy enfused cinnamon waffle they're having at their local coffee shop, but the real strength is being able to see emerging trends, and gaining more information.  This link will show you 15 of the top ways to monitor those trends.

Happy Sunday everybody, have a kick ass week.

SF to Yuma in one night...

This year, our friends at Rental Car Rally have decided to take the party to the left coast (don't worry east coast, it's coming back here as well) and while the initial talk was going to Tijuana, the new destination is Yuma, AZ.

Check out bdotsomething for info on last years festivities, it was definitely an experience.  Just remember to open the sun roof before trying to stick your hand out and take a picture at aborder... or drink more Red Bull.  

It's easy to talk about what's down, so let's talk about something that's UP!

The IAB Internet Advertising Report for 2008 was released yesterday (conducted by Pricewaterhouse Coopers) and reported that even in our current economic climate, internet advertising was up 10% last year.  Granted, it did slow to $23.4 billion overall, which is down from 2007, but the next closest contender was cable advertising at 7.8%, and everyone else was down beyond that.  What does this mean in the big picture?  Well, in my humble opinion, it shows the strength and value in what advertising (albeit well placed and planned) online advertising, which will only continue to grow stronger in the coming years.  Small to medium businesses will also begin to benefit from this in the next year or so, with a handful of companies cropping up that offer affordable packages and promises of geo-placed ads that will attract web surfers to the local little guy, a big plus for businesses that already have a thin margin to advertise with.

Don't believe me, and need something to entertain you on the train ride home, here's the link to the IAB report.  

Have an iPhone? Get Mashed up!

The best social media guide on the web, Mashable, has come out with their own iPhone application, streamlining the site to an easy to read application, that includes news, Twitter updates, news on events they're holding, and even a page on iPhone apps they think you should have.  

Don't have it yet... get it.  Don't have an iPhone (or iTouch since you can use this on there as well)... shame on you.

Forgot how good this song is....

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