Dear blog, how I have abandoned thee....

I have become a statistic, a part of the blogging population that goes from posting regularly to all together falling off the face of the earth for a while. Why does this happen? Well, in my case, too many balls in the air at once has deterred me from posting things that I found were compelling for you to read. The blog itself kind of lost the plot, went from interesting social media and gadget articles to a hodgepodge of disconnected postings involving music videos and plastic arms you attach toilet paper too. Admit it though, that was pretty funny.

Over the next couple weeks, I plan on doing one of two things:

1) changing the layout, focusing on a couple topics and just posting on these, and continuing to have fun with this. The blogesphere is a muddled landscape of carbon copy sites and, similar to what happened here, sites that have more tumbleweeds rolling through it then fresh updates. The one thing I did notice is what other bloggers were grabbing from me and re-posting on their sites (most were pretty classy and tied it back to my site instead of what I was referring to) and so I think I'll take stock in that and focus on those types of things.

2) shutting it down all together, focusing on the other things i have going on in life right now, and maybe giving it a fresh shot again after all the dust settles around me.
Either way, the whole purpose of this blog was always for me to share things I found interesting and enteraining with you. Not a pipe dream revenue based site or the next "Gizmodo" (still one of my favorite blogs), but being unique can be challenging.

For those dozen people that actually follow my site, thanks and I hope I can continue to fill your inbox with entertaining and sometimes downright ridiculous posts. Until then, you can always find me on Twitter....


BdotYoung said...

do not shut it down. no way. no how. keep it going.

Alex said...

Dude - I am getting back to mine too..

Do it!

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